Thursday, January 22, 2009

AWESOME: they do WHAT?

they do WHAT?: "

Um, did that lady just say our new President and First Lady do a lot of fisting?' Because if so, if President Obama condones that sort of thing, I see no reason to shut down Gitmo. Theres no way what were doing down there is worse than that.


(Via What Would Tyler Durden Do?.)

Citizens use lasers to show pollution

Laser-tracing emissions: "


The Nuage Vert (or 'Green Cloud') installation aims to heighten public energy awareness in Helsinki by outlining the emissions of a local power plant via green laser. As a previous commenter points out, there's a bit of irony present due to the high-powered laser's high-power consumption - still, altering the local mindset for the better seems worth it. - Nuage Vert ‘Green Cloud’ Illuminates Emissions [via Mighty Ohm]

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(Via MAKE Magazine.)